Document Type: Original Article
pages: 139-144
Osman, O.
Lecturer of Ancient Egyptian Language, Faculty of arts, Sohag Univ., Sohag, Egypt
When the Egyptian language was transformed from Middle Egyptian to Late Egyptian, new morphemes appeared, such as the new negative particles bw and bn. The appearance of these new morphemes led to the emergence of new negative forms. The Amarna period saw the change of the negative particle n with the new one bw. Before the Amarna period, there are no negative aorist forms with the new negative particle bw. There are only the two classical aorist forms n sDm.n.f and n rx.f. The Amarna period presented the new negative aorist forms bw sDm.n.f and bw rx.f.
Amarna language; Aorist; Negative aorist; Late Egyptian negative particles; bw sDm.n.f form; bw rx.f form
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