| Egyptian Journal of Archeological and Restoration Studies

EJARS (Established 2011)

Volume 4 ,issue 2 | Summer and Autumn 2014 | Pages : 113-118


Document Type: Original article

DOI: 10.21608/EJARS.2014.7266

pages: 113-118

Badr, I.
Lecturer, Conservation dept., Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism Guidance Misr Univ. for Science and Technology,
6 th October City, Egypt

Using the advanced modern technology is considered to be one of the most important methods of scientific examination and registration. This should be used in the field of the conservation of the mummies. Identifying the case of the mummy and putting the mummy outwardly or inwardly is the first stage in the good prognosis of damage, which naturally leads to the development of an appropriate plan for the operations of treatment and conservation starting from the stage of cleaning till museum presentation consistent with the requirements of preventive conservation. Computed Tomography Scanning (CT scanning) since it is non-invasive and does not harm the mummies, has become an important tool for studying many features of ancient Egyptian mummies. Study of ancient Egypt, and particularly the examination of mummies, excites many people from all aspects of life We have been fortunate to be able to apply modern diagnostic methods to the study of ancient human beings. “Tayuheret" mummy the Subject of paper, dates back to the Third Intermediate Period, 21st dynasty which was discovered in Deir al-Bahari in Luxor in southern Egypt in 1881,now housed in the Egyptian Museum. The study was divided into a full examination of the body from the head, Thorax, abdomen, pelvis and even district legs, CT studies confirm the ancient Egyptian used several methods for the degree of quality of mummification starting from the selection of Suitable materials filler internal to the body, CT studies confirm ancient Egyptian used methods to support the body and maintain the external shape of the mummy's body, research stressed the need for a new reading of the science of mummification according to the latest scientific methods of examination without any destructive effect on the components of the mummies.

Mummy; Fillers; ancient Egypt; CT Scanning; skull; Thorax; abdomen

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