| Egyptian Journal of Archeological and Restoration Studies

EJARS (Established 2011)

Volume 13 ,issue 2 | Summer and Autumn 2023 | Pages : 233-239


Document Type: Original Article

DOI: 10.21608/ejars.2023.330906

pages: 233-239

Attia, M. 1 , Abdel-Hamid, A. 2 , Kasem, M. 3 (*), Shaheen, R. 4 & Hassan, M. 5

1 Conservation dept., Faculty of Archeology, Cairo Univ., Egypt, New Valley Restoration dept.,
2 Ministry of antiquities, Egypt.,
3 PhD Student, Conservation dept., Faculty of archaeology, Cairo Univ., Egypt.,
4 Conservation dept., Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt,
5 Center of Excellence, Encapsulation and Nano Biotechnology, Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products dept., National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.

Due to their organic nature, antique textile artifacts are extremely vulnerable to numerous types of damage. Whether they are made of plants as cotton and linen or of fibers from animal origin such as wool and silk. The holdings of archaeological textiles must und-ergo various investigations and analyses in order to determine their material components, the process and method of their manu-facturing, and the various types of damage to select the proper conservation techniques and materials. This study focuses on repairing and maintaining one of the textile collections, which was in the Textile Museum - now transferred to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization: NMEC, that exhibit extensive damage. Various conservation techniques and supplies were used to address the damage. This piece of cloth was a linen fabric, according to infrared investigations and analyses. It was also discovered that there were numerous signs of damage, including weakness, fragility, inappropriate previous conservations, and erosion of the linen fibers. After that, various conservation steps were performed, such as mechanical cleaning, removal of previous conservation, and reinforcement.

Archaeological Textiles Linen Batik FT-IR Dyes

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