Document Type: Review Article
DOI: 10.21608/ejars.2023.330901
pages: 185-195
Sandu, I. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Lupascu, E. 5 , 6 (*) , Sandu, I.C.A. 7 & Ivashko, Y. 8
1 Academy of Romanian Scientists (AORS), Bucharest, Romania,
2 National Institute for Research and Develo-pment in Environmental Protection, Bucharest, Romania,
3 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Univ. of Iasi, Science dept., Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Iasi, Romania,
4 Romanian Inventors Forum, Iași, Romania,
5 State Ped-agogical Univ. "Ion Creangă", Republic of Moldova,
6 Nicolae Tonitza Fine Arts High School, Bucharest, Romania,
7 The Munch Museum/Section of Conservation, Oslo, Norway,
8 Kyiv Natl Univ. Construction & Architecture, Kiev, Ukraine
The work takes into account the impact grids of the altmetric cun-atification by summing which allows the evaluation of the share of the stock exchange or catalog of a work of art. For this purpose, the artefactometric criteria used in the hoarding of works of art are used by involving scientific expertise, such as: archaeometric aut-hentication, patrimonial determination of the value share (by adding up the quantification grids), establishing the state of conservation by assessing the damage of the structural-functional elements and of the degradation of the nature of the component materials and, respectively, the development of compatible protocols for pre-servation, restoration and display in museums/ collections through modern and attractive systems. In the investigation of a work of art, in addition to the aesthetic-artistic analysis and the establishment of characteristics regarding the state and patrimonial functions, modern analysis techniques are involved in a system of corrobor-ation and interdisciplinary co-assistance, which allow the identific-ation of archaeometric and chemometric characteristics, with value archaeometric, determining the nature of the materials and their state of conservation and establishing the value quota by involving the impact grids, unanimously accepted, both for the artistic expertise and other characteristics related to the state of conservation, age, artistic technique and the technology of putting the work into ope-ration, implicitly the nature of the old materials and the traditional operations used.
Authentication Patrimonial characteristics Conservation status Patrimonial evaluation criteria Artistic analysis Quantification grids Artefactometric indicators
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